Torey and Christina, your wedding day was beyond perfection. You and your guests made me feel so welcome, and I can’t begin to tell you how very blessed I am to have been a part of your new beginning. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Enjoy a few of my favorites! —js
What was the most memorable part of your wedding day?
Christina Says: Walking out of the cabin with my cup o’ joe in the morning, I wasn’t expecting to see anything but fog in front of me (i.e. Custer weather 9/13/13). I was absolutely beside myself to discover Sylvan Lake was even reflecting the puffy clouds above. That was just the beginning of the most beautiful day of my life for many more reasons than just the weather.
Torey Says: Finally seeing Christina come around the trees and down the aisle. She was so beautiful and the emotion was so intense leading up to that moment, I nearly lost it. That treasured image will be ingrained in my memory for the rest of my life.
Jessica Says: Torey and Christina told me that their friends were dancers. That was an understatement. The energy of their reception was extremely memorable, and really, really fun. Which, by the way, is also an understatement.
What was your favorite detail of the wedding day?
Christina Says: The very first wedding decision we made after our engagement was that we both wanted pie instead of cake. Aunts, grandmas, moms, sisters and cousins were gracious enough to bring their own homemade pies for the reception. It was such a personal touch and gave guests a fun variety of desserts to pick from. And were quite a hit, I might add!
Torey Says: The perfect weather. It can be a gamble having an outdoor wedding but this day it paid off. The perfect sky. The perfect temperature. Everything was perfect. Even a little rain afterwards for good luck!
Jessica’s Take: Christina’s aesthetic is impeccable, so this is a tough one for me. Everything was so, so lovely. I think my favorite was the petal covered aisle and the ceremony area as a whole. It made a really special ceremony even more beautiful.
Any advice for other couples planning a wedding?
Christina Says: Over prepare and then go with the flow.
Torey Says: Take it in. Everything seems to be happening so fast. Don’t forget to absorb your surroundings. Take a mental picture of your beautiful bride, your families, friends and the scenery. You don’t get a second chance.
What’s the best part of being married so far?
Christina Says: Although I’ve always known it would be Torey from the beginning, there’s something so special about just realizing you’ve found your life partner. It’s super cheesy to say this but it has kind of felt like falling in love all over again. I’m so excited to read the rest of this story.
Torey Says: The feeling you get from being married. It’s hard to explain. Happiness, comfort, security and anticipation all rolled into one. All of that was there before, but now it’s magnified x10.
Hello, stunning bride.
My favorite:
Very beautiful!!! Hard to hide the wonderful emotions on this one!!