I loved spending time with this extra-sweet couple and their black lab a few weeks ago (pre-snow) in the Hills. I think Remi had the best time of all, however, as he was dressed to impress, AND got to run to his heart’s content.
Robb and Amber, thanks for bringing your faithful companion with you, for being so quick to laugh with one another, and for asking me to be a part of this exciting time. I’m so happy it worked out for you to be here that weekend, and cannot wait to photograph your wedding next year! Enjoy a few of my favorites! —js
Amber, what’s your favorite thing about Robb?
I love that no matter what circumstance we are in, he is always the calm and collected one of the relationship – it balances out my personality perfectly. I can honestly say he is my biggest supporter & best friend!
You knew you’d marry him when….
We have been together since Freshman year of college, so I knew after going through that stage of life together and making so many amazing memories, I wanted to continue life’s adventures with him by my side. I think I’ve probably fallen in love with him 100 times over again these past 5 years – he has found a way to make me laugh every single time we have an argument, he never hesitates when I or anyone else asks for help, and he has this amazing sensitive side to him (that not a lot of people get to see) … He is really all I could ever want in a husband!!
Robb, what’s your favorite thing about Amber?
My favorite thing about Amber…well…is Amber! There really isn’t anything about her that isn’t a favorite of mine, which is probably a good reason for why I asked her to marry me. If I did have to chose one thing it would be her personality. She is funny (and she thinks so too) and witty. She makes me laugh no matter what mood I am in.
You knew you’d marry her when….
I knew I would marry Amber when I knew I couldn’t spend one day without her. She is my best friend and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. Simply put, I love her.
My favorite:
Amber and Rob
These are so beautiful and the scenery is amazing. Your wedding in Spearfish is going to be just breath taking. Perfect for you two.
LOVE LOVE LOVE all your pics.
Love the photos of our son, Robb Harrison Rotramel, and our DAUGHTER IN LAW to be, AMBER. My favorite is the one with their eyes shut and their arms are locked around each other. Beautiful scenery as a background for all as well.
Jessica, thank you for saving memories for a lifetime for Amber & Robb on film.
Birdie <(")
Excellent photos. September 2015 can’t get here soon enough.